2.5.10 [fix] Playback of re-runs - apo86 [fix] New OAuth token generation 2.5.9 [fix] Signal end_of_directory when an exception appears - DimmKG 2.5.7 [fix] Python 2 encoding issues - DimmKG [lang] update Russian translation - DimmKG 2.5.6 [fix] Python 2 encoding issues 2.5.5 [fix] dialogs [lang] added Russian translation - DimmKG 2.5.4 [fix] followed games for users with private oauth tokens [upd] use xbmcvfs.translatePath if available, clean up for Kodi 19 2.5.3 [rem] remove usage of xbmc.LOGSEVERE, it's being removed in Kodi 19 2.5.2 [add] Add additional stream properties at playback [fix] Get OAuth token on Kodi 19 [upd] Use new settings format on Kodi 19 [upd] Update material to reflect repository changes 2.5.1 [fix] encoding issue causing streams/videos/live notifications to be inaccessible with some languages 2.5.0 [fix] language setting [fix] show vodcasts in Following Live Channels [fix] logging in Kodi 19 [upd] frame rate limiting to allow for 60 fps limit [lang] fr_FR |contrib: alan7000| 2.4.10 [fix] fix live notifications [fix] fix clips [fix] double entries in followed live streams 2.4.9 [fix] fix listing live streams 2.4.8 [fix] resolve indefinite busy dialog on failed playback [fix] sort by viewers for followed live channels, restoring previous behavior [fix] menu settings not taking effect [fix] handle no stream available error [rem] remove Playlists 2.4.7 [fix] remaining private api calls ie. following games, toggle following games 2.4.6 [add] Settings - Login - Private API Credentials [fix] basic playback, set default Private API Credentials - Client ID [fix] oauth short link generation w/ python 3 [rem] Remove deprecated scope chat_login 2.4.5 [rem] Remove deprecated api Communities and related content 2.4.4 [fix] unable to clean up class left in memory; N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui6WindowE |contrib: lekma| 2.4.3 [fix] ads causing playback issues with InputStream Adaptive [fix] migrate url shortener from Google URL Shortener to Google Firebase Dynamic Links [upd] move Live Notifications to it's own thread 2.4.2 [fix] fixed issue with Live Notifications if no followed channels are live 2.4.1 [chg] Settings and Refresh menu items to unplayable items instead of folders 2.4.0 [add] allow limiting framerate to 30 fps when video quality is set to Source [fix] change import from absolute to relative [chg] clips default to source quality instead of always ask [chg] refresh live previews by adding timestamp to urls [upd] re-write of search history [upd] use SPDX license identifiers 2.3.5 [fix] utf-8 file paths [fix] perpetual busy dialogs in Kodi 18 2.3.4 [fix] clean_title_value UnicodeDecodeError [fix] Game titles UnicodeEncodeError [fix] python 3 compat. urllib.quote_plus 2.3.3 [fix] Description template UnicodeDecodeError [chg] Use unicode punctuation space in description template 2.3.2 [fix] py3 encoding issues 2.3.1 [fix] i18n UnicodeEncodeError 2.3.0 [chg] refactor complex entry points [upd] Python 3 compat. 2.2.4 [fix] VOD's error 404 2.2.3 [add] Thumbnail size, Settings - General [fix] encoding and replace in clean_title_value [fix] unplayable videos on some systems, set curl opt verifypeer=false on playback urls 2.2.2 [add] refresh item to streams search when there are no results [upd] close chat on playback stopped [ccope] [upd] service start parameter to login 2.2.1 [add] allow Adaptive as default quality 2.2.0 [add] Search history [add] Settings - Maintenance [fix] VodCast highlighting 2.1.1 [fix] video default qualities [fix] setContentLookup AttributeError 2.1.0 [chg] string paths [fix] required changes for script.module.python.twitch v2.0.0 refactor [fix] multiple reconnections to same stream [upd] don't show watched marks for streams [upd] leave api logging to script.module.python.twitch [add] channel_name to play route, can use channel_id or channel_name [add] inputstream.adaptive support for inputstream.adaptive versions >= 2.0.10 [add] Revoke token [add] Update token route [add] Reset cache on Refresh to Settings -> Cache [add] notify at start and group notifications at start to live notification settings [add] logo and game to live notifications [add] Hebrew strings [Eng2Heb] 2.0.2 [fix/upd] use display names for communities 2.0.1 [fix] only open chat for live streams [fix] notify to retry if goo.gl url shortening fails for authentication [fix] check for game value before adding Goto Game context menu [fix] blacklist filter excluding unset game [fix] use same quality on stream reconnection [fix] do not ask for search query on '..' [fix] remake cache path on clear [fix/upd] cache static menus to disk [fix/upd] pagination to Followed Games [add] Kodi per-page sort methods [add] quality parameter added to play route [add] channel and viewer count to Games where possible [add] VodCast colorization 2.0.0 *** NOT backwards compatible with v1 (favorites, routes will NOT work) *** New OAuth token required, see Settings - Get OAuth token - Kodi 17 ready, content/media types set per new official repository requirements - remove xbmcswift dependency - remove api portion in favor of new module script.module.python.twitch (based on python-twitch by ingwinlu) - remove Teams, end-points (no longer available) - use Twitch API v5 - add caching for api calls, cache can be set/cleared from settings - add token generation, checking - add context menus: - refresh - 'go to' channel videos(display name) for streams - 'go to' game for streams and videos - quality selection ask/source/bandwidth (clips excluded from bandwidth) - add Live notifications for following - add more search options - add Communities - add Follow/Unfollow - add blacklisting of users/games/communities (search excluded) - add set default quality for stream/video/clips per channel - add Playlists - add Collections - add Clips - add Languages - add Change sort by/period/direction - add support for timestamp in urls (Search - Video Id/Url) - add Attempt reconnection to live streams - add/remove menu items to/from the Main Menu 1.4.6 - Added new title formatting option which includes broadcaster language. - Added compatibility for new Twitch encoder names. 1.4.5 - Added compatibility for new Twitch encoder names. - Added Uploads 1.4.4 - HTTPS fix for Linux users + Kodi Offical repository compatibility fixes. 1.4.3 - various fixes to coincide with issues caused by evolving Twitch API 1.4.2 - Fixed incorrect default oauth value in settings 1.4.1 - Changes/updates to API calls in line with changes made by Twitch. 1.4.0 - Major code refactoring + IRC integration. Thanks to anxdpanic 1.3.3 - added French language 1.3.1 - fixed bug: addon would not play non-transcoded streams if requested quality was lower than source 1.3.0 - added ability to play new type twitch VODs + major code refactoring/optimisation and bug fixes (now utilising python-twitch [0.3.8] by ingwinlu). - ingwinlu 1.2.0 - fixed bug: removed error in code which prevented falling back to best available quality when preferred quality was not available 1.1.9 - fixed bug: past broadcasts were starting at second playlist item 1.1.8 - fixed unplayable streams issue due to Twich updates and various UI and error handling improvements, thx spiffomatic64, ntfwc, ingwinlu 1.1.7 - various UI and code optimisations + updated translations Thanks to ingwinlu, grocal, kokarn 1.1.6 - added Spanish language - thx G4RL1N 1.1.5 - Add listing streams by channel - thx ha107642 1.1.4 - added Czech language option - thx mCzolko 1.1.3 - added 'mobile (226p)' quality option 1.1.2 - major code optimisation to HLS playlist generation function - ingwinlu 1.1.1 - various bug fixes, code improvements 1.1.0 - added 'thumbnail' argument to enable support for third party skins + changed games list icon source for improved icons - Liquex 1.0.9 - added detection of restricted qualities (addon will now load best quality available if preferred quality is restricted) - MrSprigster 1.0.8 - version increment to force update on official xbmc repository 1.0.7 - fixed bug in quality settings 1.0.6 - rearranged string ids 1.0.5 - added ability to play archived videos (past broadcasts) - thx to Kr0nZ 1.0.4 - fixed bug: Viewer count could not be resolved 1.0.3 - added support for HLS streams - thx to MrSprigster 1.0.2 - fixed stream resolving 1.0.1 - fixed bug: streams with optional subscriptions 1.0.0 - thx to ccaspers - major code refactoring - extracted twitch api - new search function - changed code style to match pep8 requirements 0.2.6 - bug fix: crashes or wrong error messages, when opening streams 0.2.5 - serveral fixes and new features thx to grocal - fixed 'status' in favorite json data might be null - new translation: Polish - changed getting live favorite channels from on single .json query (user/favorite with live=true variable set) - channel listing in format "[channel_name] channel_status_text" 0.2.4 - fixed bug in following section - fixed bug in function getBestJtvTokenPossible 0.2.3 - code refactor - integration of xbmcswift2 0.2.2 - added teams section - thx to kokarn 0.2.1 - added featured streams section 0.2.0 - added selection of prefered video settings - added fallback-function, if selected video does not support video settings 0.1.8 - better error handling - localized strings in all notifications 0.1.7 - fixed bug in following list 0.1.6 - localized strings 0.1.5 - added "next page" in game sections 0.1.4 - better code quality - thumbnails in game sections 0.1.3 - updated to work with new twitch.tv website (games section) 0.1.2 - added thumbnails in games section - updated to work with new twitch.tv website 0.1.1 - first working version