[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.1 - June 18, 2021[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Trakt improvements to account auth for better server error capturing.[/I] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Trakt expire duration was not properly saved to user settings. This is now fixed.[/I] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed entry point import issue.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.0 - May 08, 2021[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Change RD to only revoke auth under invalid account response only! Previousely a "Temporarily Down For Maintenance" response would trigger a revoke of RD account.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.9 - March 16, 2021[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Matrix fix for xbmc.translatePath.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.8 - March 06, 2021[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Matrix(py3) compatibility update.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.7 - Dec. 30, 2020[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added Debrid expiry notifications fallback for server errors. This avoids bogus 500 log errors etc.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.6 - Dec. 15, 2020[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added Debrid expiry notifications. Will run once on each Kodi startup. Turn OFF in settings.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.5 - Oct. 30, 2020[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Dutch translation changes.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.4 - Oct. 29, 2020[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added Google Drive scraper url setup.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.3 - Oct. 3, 2020[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fix for settings not saving correctly.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.2 - Sept. 28, 2020[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Dutch translations with many thanks to TINUZ97![/I] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Other needed fixes.[/I] [B][COLOR red]Initial Release - v1.0.1 – Sept. 21, 2020[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Kick off release.[/I]