[COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.2.09[/B][/COLOR] - Fix for TMDb artwork not loading on some platforms. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.2.01[/B][/COLOR] - Switch to cache based handling of settings. - Other fixes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.50[/B][/COLOR] - Database fixes. Database version bumped to metacache6. Previously cached meta will need to be re-cached. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.49[/B][/COLOR] - Added "alternative_titles" to metadata. - Couple of other fixes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.46[/B][/COLOR] - Fixes for when tvdb/imdb ids not available from tmdb. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.45[/B][/COLOR] - Added more meta info for Movies/TV Shows for new 'Extra Info' Fen feature. - Revert clear cache to individually remove window properties. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.44[/B][/COLOR] - Added more meta info for Movies/TV Shows for new 'Extra Info' Fen feature. - Moved to metacache5.db to accommodate 'Extra Info'. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.43[/B][/COLOR] - Removed Kyradb Access (animated posters). Service is gone. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.42[/B][/COLOR] - ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS RELEASE, THEN PLEASE CLEAR META CACHE IN FEN TOOLS-->CLEAR LIST AND DATA INFO-->CLEAR META CACHE. - Added "Image Resolutions" setting. Set lower for quicker image display at poorer quality, set higher for slower image display at better quality. "Original" is image in best, original quality. - Disabled kyradb access (for animated posters). Their site/API is down. - Other code changes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.41[/B][/COLOR] - Suppressed backup artwork calls to fanart.tv if fanart.tv is not enabled in settings. - Other code changes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.39[/B][/COLOR] - ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS RELEASE, THEN PLEASE CLEAR META CACHE IN FEN TOOLS-->CLEAR LIST AND DATA INFO-->CLEAR META CACHE. - Added image fallbacks for Movies and TV Shows since a lot of art on TMDb has gone missing. - Other code changes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.38[/B][/COLOR] - Fix to english plot fallback when set language plot not available. Clear metadata for changes to take effect. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.36[/B][/COLOR] - Changes to handling of accents in media title. - Changes to hopefully speed up metadata fetching. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.35[/B][/COLOR] - Small changes to cache handling. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.34[/B][/COLOR] - Changes to hopefully increase speed with regard to database read/writes. - Changes to hopefully improve tvdb api usage for tv shows. - Other small code changes [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.33[/B][/COLOR] - Added support for flattened tv seasons. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.32[/B][/COLOR] - Added ClearArt for Movies and fixed ClearArt for TV Shows. - Reverted TVDb timeout to 25 seconds. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.31[/B][/COLOR] - Add 10 second timeout to TVDb calls (there are current problems). - Hopefully fixed TMDb fallback for season/episode info when TVDb down. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.30[/B][/COLOR] - Limit studio meta to first studio in list returned. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.29[/B][/COLOR] - Implemented heavier caching for fanart.tv extra art. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.28[/B][/COLOR] - Fix extra art problems. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.26[/B][/COLOR] - Added setting for user TVDb API Key. Clear TVDb token when changing API Key. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.23[/B][/COLOR] - More fixes for blank overviews when non-ENG language selected. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.22[/B][/COLOR] - Fixes for blank overviews when non-ENG language selected. - Other code changes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.20[/B][/COLOR] - ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS RELEASE, THEN PLEASE CLEAR META CACHE IN FEN TOOLS-->CLEAR LIST AND DATA INFO-->CLEAR META CACHE. - Added language selection for metadata. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.19[/B][/COLOR] - Hopefully finally fixed multiple bugs causing episode metadata to continually reset under some circumstances (making Next Episodes much slower for one). - Fixed clearing metacache not clearing all window properties. - Added 10 sec limit to fanart.tv lookups. Notifications will show if there are errors when fetching extra fanart, along with a suggestion to temporarily disable extra fanart until fanart.tv's API begins behaving again. This should fix lists of movies or TV Shows endlessly hanging and not displaying. - ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS RELEASE, THEN PLEASE CLEAR META CACHE IN FEN TOOLS-->CLEAR LIST AND DATA INFO-->CLEAR META CACHE. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.17[/B][/COLOR] - Revert autoclean code for metacache as it was causing problems. Tikimeta moved to metacache3.db, so all meta will need to be refetched. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.16[/B][/COLOR] - Added cache cleanup on each Kodi start and after 4 hours. - Code fixes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.13 & 1.1.14[/B][/COLOR] - Code fixes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.12[/B][/COLOR] - Added animated Movie posters. For powerful devices only. Clear Meta and enable in settings. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.11[/B][/COLOR] - Added 'silent' mode for cache clear. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.10[/B][/COLOR] - Added default artwork for banner and changed default artwork for poster and fanart. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.09[/B][/COLOR] - More improvements to handling no tvdb id in initial meta get (still a work in progress). [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.08[/B][/COLOR] - Improvements to handling no tvdb id in initial meta get (still a work in progress). [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.07[/B][/COLOR] - Changes to TMDb API rate limit handling. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.06[/B][/COLOR] - Fixed season names. Clear metacache to start seeing season names if enabled in Fen settings. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.05[/B][/COLOR] - Fixed window properties not clearing when clearing meta cache. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.04[/B][/COLOR] - Remade TV Show meta retrieval and implemented TVDb info for season and episode data. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.03[/B][/COLOR] - Added DiscArt for movies. Clear meta cache to start seeing discart. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.02[/B][/COLOR] - Fixed episode duration formatting. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.01[/B][/COLOR] - Removed migration code. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.1.00[/B][/COLOR] - Change of name to 'script.module.tikimeta' [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.0.06[/B][/COLOR] - Small code changes to caching. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.0.05[/B][/COLOR] - Small code changes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.0.04[/B][/COLOR] - Hopefully fixed issues to do with getting meta from external id numbers. - Other code changes. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.0.02[/B][/COLOR] - Added fanart.tv support (off by default). Enable 'Extra Art' in settings. Provides Banners, Landscapes and Cleararts for skins that support extra artwork. - Can add own fanart.tv API in settings to help support them. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.0.01[/B][/COLOR] - Slight code cleanup. [COLOR dodgerblue][B]Version 1.0.0[/B][/COLOR] - Initial Version.