[B]3.2.7[/B] - Fixed some episode plots still not get scraped [B]3.2.6[/B] - Fixed episode title and plot [B]3.2.5[/B] - Fixed show title and plot [B]3.2.4[/B] - Fixed: search results following yet another change in tvdb API response [B]3.2.3[/B] - Fixed: search results following v3.2.2 [B]3.2.2[/B] - Fixed: Another patch in order to fix TVDB inconsistency (trying to find series without overview) [B]3.2.1[/B] - Fixed: artwork preview (Scudlee rocks! Thank you!) [B]3.2.0[/B] - Fixes after thetvdb changes [B]3.0.16[/B] - Fix crash for empty artwork [B]3.0.15[/B] - Changed: use new language directory structure - Added: website in addon.xml - Added: assets tag in addon.xml [B]3.0.14[/B] - Fixed: Ratings for episodes not getting scraped [B]3.0.13[/B] - Added: Support slug URLs in nfo files [B]3.0.12[/B] - Fixed: DVD and Absolute episode ordering fixes [B]3.0.11[/B] - Fixed: Use first aired episode date when firstAired field is missing (thx to Smeulf) [B]3.0.10[/B] - Fixed: Use the year in the title as fallback when no firstAired field, to reduce mismatches [B]3.0.9[/B] - Fixed: Character encoding fixes (part 2) [B]3.0.8[/B] - Fixed: Character encoding fixes [B]3.0.7[/B] - Fixed: Episode list changes [B]3.0.6[/B] - Fixed: artwork won't be scraped (again) - Fixed: Episode director/guest star mix-ups [B]3.0.5[/B] - fixed: fanart preview [B]3.0.4[/B] - fixed: artwork won't be scraped [B]3.0.3[/B] - fixed: Spaces fix 2 [B]3.0.2[/B] - fixed: Spaces removed from json regexes [B]3.0.1[/B] - fixed: Uniqueids fixes [B]3.0.0[/B] - Changed: Multiple ratings and uniqueids [B]2.0.5[/B] - Fixed: Prevent language choices from interfering with IMDb ratings [B]2.0.4[/B] - Fixed: Moved IMDb ratings to prevent clearing buffers before GetActors [B]2.0.3[/B] - Fixed: IMDb series ratings - Changed: Added the www back to the artwork URLs - Changed: Turn fallback language on by default [B]2.0.2[/B] - Fixed: Special episode placement - Fixed: Episode thumbnails only when available - Added: Use fallback language for artwork lookup [B]2.0.1[/B] - Fixed: Backwards-compatibility code [B]2.0.0[/B] - Updated: Complete rewrite for TVDB API 2.0 - Added: Language fallback options - Added: Merged DVD order split-episodes - Added: Pseudo-absolute order for when not specified by TVDB [B]1.8.4[/B] - Added: Runtime for tvshows - needs Krypton or newer [B]1.8.3[/B] - Update author name [B]1.8.2[/B] - Fixed: Runtime being zero in some cases [B]1.8.1[/B] - removed unsupported languages [B]1.8.0[/B] - added extra languages for selection - changed language to a selection list [B]1.7.2[/B] - Updated: handle artwork via GetArt chain [B]1.7.1[/B] - Updated: language files from Transifex [B]1.7.0[/B] - Added: Option to get IMDb episode and series rating when available [B]1.6.0[/B] - Changed: Force selected language even if title on another language is being used for the search query [B]1.5.9[/B] - Updated: language files from Transifex v1.5.8 - Added: retrieve number of votes in GetDetails/GetEpisodeDetails v1.5.7 - Fixed: append language to CreateSearchUrl cache file v1.5.6 - Updated: language files from Transifex v1.5.4 - Updated: language files from Transifex v1.5.3 - Fixed: Language tag caching - round two (thx and credits to pgit) v1.5.2 - Changed: Dropped the www from thetvdb URLs v1.5.1 - Updated: Versioning for xbmc.metadata v1.5.0 - Added: Language tag to caching (thx and credits to pgit) - Added: Caching for search results (thx and credits to pgit) - Removed: Poster preference as this is not needed for Frodo v1.4.5 - Fixed: dvdorder setting won't apply in GetEpisodeDetails (thx and credits to scudlee) v1.4.4 - Updated: language files from Transifex v1.4.3 - Updated: language files from Transifex v1.4.2 - Added: cache to GetTVDBId v1.4.1 - Fixed: missing xml tag in GetTVDBId v1.4.0 - Added: scraping of EpisodeID v1.3.1 - Added: added back non-intentional removal of the imdb id lookup v1.3.0 - Added: return the aspect attribute for thumb fields as banner or poster v1.2.4 - Added: support for imdb url nfo's v1.2.3 - Fixed: fixed broken scraping under certain circumtaces v1.2.2 - Fixed: episodeguide url won't picked up sometimes v1.2.1 - Fixed: won't parse longer search results v1.2.0 - Added: episode runtime scraping v1.1.1 - Fixed: episodeguide url won't picked up sometimes v1.1.0 - Added: support decimals in episode numbers for DVD ordering v1.0.8 - Fixed: fallback to other image languages if preferred doesn't exist v1.0.7 - Fixed: season thumbs