v1.3.2 (2019, Jan) patched Places; Featured cams extended v1.3.1 (2019, Jan) patched Search v1.3.0 (2019, Jan) patched site speed up by using parseDOM buggy timeout in rtmp videos reduced (from 180s to 10s) v1.2.0 (2017, Sept) added HLS support: enable it in add-on's configuration if no cam is shown. patched some errors getting submenus and navigating v1.1.0 (2017, Sept) patched for new earthcam web site v1.0.12 (2017, Aug) patched https urls v1.0.11 (2017, Feb) adapted to last Kodi versions background image changed to www.flickr.com/photos/49511010@N08/11122805655/ v1.0.10 (2015, Mar) background images (fanart) visible while browsing cameras v1.0.7.3 (2014, Oct) more cameras available v1.0.7.1 (2014, 20 Oct) forked [from](http://addons.tvaddons.ag/show/plugin.video.earthcam/) official-xbmc-hub-repo [v1.0.7](https://github.com/idleloop-github/xbmc-earthcam/tree/3e263215a4a3ea9ccba0092bf097939f8b25ff58) v1.0.7 Code updated by Blazetamer to fix no items in USA & Worldwide