v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]16[/COLOR] - Added player-manager (settings > custom > Edit movies/tvshows library player) - Updated settings by including new players - Definately fixed the multiple-episode-entries-issue (credit & thanks to qahanik) v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]15[/COLOR] - Fixed duration error on non-default version of kodi v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]14[/COLOR] - Fixed Trakt list error - Fixed duration on isengard and up - Fixed TVShows Trakt played-section v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]13[/COLOR] - Added option to use your own api-keys for all the databases used - Added option to patch block-code towards external pulling of add-ons - Edited title parameter (to use %26 instead of &) - New attempt at fixing double entries for tvshowepisodes v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]12[/COLOR] - Added imdb option to parsed-tvshow-add-to-library path - Added setting to install custom players - Fixed tmdb movie search v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]11[/COLOR] - Added configurable labels to yesno-dialog - Added new & unique tmdb api-key - Added fallback premiered-date to tmdb-info - Added library options to main movie & tv sections - Added multipage-adding-to-library-paths. Seperate pages with "|", use "-" to specify ranges, all pages mentioned will be added (i.e. 1-5 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) - Added batch-adding to service for automatic import of id-lists - Fixed error loading Channels-section if no library-channels are present - Fixed combining "><" and @any-parameters - Prep for expanding of sync-options - Removed colorize - Removed some of the un-used code - Reverted library updating for tvshows, should hopefully & finally get rid of duplicate episodes - Tweaked some language strings - Upped quality of artwork used v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]10[/COLOR] - Added seasons & episodes view - Fixed batch-adding not using default library player - Fixed empty sections - Fixed double episode-entries after library updates - Changed Music source setup to use audiodb instead of imvdb - Changed Music(-video) source's name to "Music videos" (localized) v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]9[/COLOR] - Added parameters for movies & tvshows: actors, writers, directors & slug v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]8[/COLOR] - Added more sorting methods - Added seperate sorting methods for Trakt / TMDb - Fixed UnicodeEncodeErrors - Fixed duration in Trakt metadata - Removed "by date"-sorting method - Synced sorting methods with system settings v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]7[/COLOR] - Added offset-option for episode-airdates (can prevent episodes showing up in your library early) - Added multi-selection for helix & isengard - Added .nomedia path (dummy) - Changed sorting-default for Trakt's next-episode & calendar-section to year - Fixed double-episode adding? - Reverted library player to only use enabled players instead of all players (as prep for implementation of player-manager in next update) v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]6[/COLOR] - Added item indicator to extended selector - Added images to path-players (folder.jpg) - Added Trakt collection & watchlist sync, disabled by default. Credits to Midraal - Fixed context player from external addons v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]5[/COLOR] - Changed most notifications and dialogs to translated strings - Corrected typos - Removed afteradd v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]4[/COLOR] - Fixed smartplaylist creation - Fixed TVshow-source creation - Changed default "include specials"-setting to disabled - Improved batch adding lists slightly v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]3[/COLOR] - Fixed erratic playback - Added option to ex/include specials (enabled by default) v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]2[/COLOR] - Added TMDb, Trakt and TVMaze route for episode playback - Added new, seperate add-to-library path with parsable player - Added parsable player to play-latest-route - Added thumbnails - Added setting to add tags to strm-filenames, needs preceding dot (.) and when using multiple tags also seperating dots (i.e. ".tag1.tag2.tag3") - Added setting to specify library-update-interval - Added specials to tvshows - Added filter to Trakt playlists: empty lists will not show - Added item-count-indicator to Trakt playlists - Added option to edit search string (can be used to pre-parse search string) - Added option to clean labels in command-step (start step with: "><") - Added option to specify max-depth for @nextpage - Added option to remove library channels - Added option to clear trakt settings - Changed order of movie & tvshow items (TMDb first) - Changed Trakt artwork-fetches from OMDb to TMDb - Changed default preferred players to custom_ - Fixed search's keyboard popping up - Fixed missing converters for getSettings - Fixed @containing - Reworked translations so most parts should be available in any of Kodi's 70+ languages now - Reworked notifications, silent by default now - Reworked search v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]1[/COLOR] - Added setting to in/exclude artwork for Trakt lists - Corrected differing variables - Fixed tv genres - Fixed fetching id's (should fix other tv-sections) - Re-added missing route - Reverted setting preferred player v2.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]0[/COLOR] - Added extrafanart & extrathumb paths to fix errors on skins using those paths (Midraal) - Added background to "Next"-items - Added random play (Midraal) - Added setting to in/exclude episodes with unknown airdate when adding to library (default=exclude) - Added episode airdate parameters: {epday}, {epmonth} and {epyear} - Added "play latest episode"-route: plugin://plugin.video.metalliq/tv/play_latest/ (with id being trakt-showid or trakt-slug or imdb-showid) - Added custom "Bob"-themed fallback-posters - Added trakt-lists-to-library (Midraal) - Changed default for context toggle from acceleration to skin and from off to on to improve the skinswitching - Changed default number of listitems to 20 on account of longer loading times since Trakt removed images from their api - Changed artwork for Trakt sections to TMDb - Fixed trakt-list-to-library - Fixed music adding (Midraal) - Fixed movie genres - Fixed specific-player-per-movie - Fixed music and misc-views (Midraal) - Fixed title-parameters with non-utf8 in them v1.1.[COLOR ff0084ff]5[/COLOR] - Added option to set specific player per movie in library - Added option to add entire trakt lists to kodi library, also makes id-lists compatible with batch-add function - Added sorting options to movies, tvshows and lists sections - Added TVDb-search - Fixed the search dialog popping up constantly - Improved context player logic - Reworked the force-views options: movies, tvshows & lists only so far and it is not perfect but a whole lot better then it was - Removed pagination from trakt lists v1.1.[COLOR ff0084ff]4[/COLOR] - Added sortesttitle-parameter which is title without article and/or the word "movie" - Added toggle for context player (advanced settings) - Edited context player to use (preferred) context player instead of default player - Edited play_by_name route to use (preferred) context player - Improved context player label handling: now removes text formatting v1.1.[COLOR ff0084ff]3[/COLOR] - Fixed container error v1.1.[COLOR ff0084ff]2[/COLOR] - Added backup function for movies and tvshows library, makes lists in addon_data-folder which can be used with batch-add-function: change extension from "bak" to "txt" and place in MetalliQ's addon_data-folder. - Added preferred toggling, current options are acceleration and skin. - Expanded context player, now usable from almost anywhere (provided addon's dev has not blocked regular context-menu-items) v1.1.[COLOR ff0084ff]1[/COLOR] - Added option to batch-add movies and/or tvshows to library: Movies: add a file called "movies_to_add.txt" to MetalliQ's addon-data folder. Can be comma seperated values or each id on new line or combination of th two. Takes IMDb-id or TMDb-id or combination of those two. TVShows: add a file called "tvshows_to_add.txt" to MetalliQ's addon-data folder. Can be comma seperated values or each id on new line or combination of those two. Takes IMDb-id or TVDb-id or combination of those two. v1.1.[COLOR ff0084ff]0[/COLOR] - Added (all?) missing translations - Added option to set the number of items per page for Trakt sections, default is 42 - Added a seperate search-sections (both with and without specified query) enabling user to store searches by favouriting them - Added players-setup and sources-setup - Added seperate guide integration so users can keep their enabled player settings - Added another theme (Azure, thanks to Will Martins) - Changed playlist-folder locations to use kodi's default playlist locations - Fixed auto-adding with default player or tvshows - Newly added search section allows searching & browsing of Trakt lists without logging in - Removed trakt authorization from settings as it wasn't working properly. To authorize: browse to a personal section and you will be prompted - Moved "add to library" to top of contextmenu - Moved trailer to 2nd position in contextmenu v1.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]9[/COLOR] - Added channel source for library channels - Added live library functionality - Added option to force views - Added trakt sections - Added period setting for Trakt's "Most"-sections - Added pagination to all trakt movies and tv shows sections - Added some translations - Added related movies (Trakt) to contextmenu - Fixed Trakt trending movies (was duplicate of blockbusters tmdb) - Fixed setting of content on source creation - Fixed playlistfolder creation - Removed source creation from totalsetup so users can first set desired style and system language to be used in source creation v1.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]8[/COLOR] - Fixed extended info's context menu integration - Hid library-folder location in settings (can still be changed by manually editing settings.xml in addon_data) - Moved some settings around a little bit - Added option to change language for TMDb-lookups (independent from main addon language which is still equal to system language) - Fixed playback when Trakt is unreachable v1.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]7[/COLOR] - Background changeable independent of theme - Added custom theme and background option - Added parameters: {shortname/title} = name/title[1:-1], {urlname/title} = urllib.quote(name/title) - Changed a couple of defaults in settings - Added some context-menu options: Direct link to EIM/[COLOR ff0084ff]Q[/COLOR]lick[COLOR ff0084ff]P[/COLOR]lay, Trailers, Recommended (exits MetalliQ) - Added option to disable library updates v1.0.[COLOR ff0084ff]6[/COLOR] - Added themes - Added setting to auto-add stuff played by name to library - Added setting to use default library player when adding to library for tv shows (enabled by default) - Added parameters: sortname/sorttitle = name or title without article - Added hints: @anycontaining:Inc1|Inc2|Inc3 = next steps in dirs containing one (or more) of the inc's specified, @anynotcontaining:Exc1|Exc2|Exc3 = next steps in dirs NOT containing any of the exc's specified - Added shortcuts to settings accessible via pluginpath - Added direct link to [COLOR ff0084ff]Q[/COLOR]lick[COLOR ff0084ff]P[/COLOR]lay in contextmenu - Added some missing translations - Changed player format and content (not backwards compatible with older version of MetalliQ or Meta-video addon) - Changed default player-repo location - Merged v1.1.5 of Meta video - Added to noobsandnerds-repository to add functionality to TVPortal v1.0.4 - Added metadata to addon.xml - Fixed trakt next episodes - Switched from Meta's trakt-api to MetalliQ's own, unique trakt-api v1.0.2 - Fixed iconpath in source-creation v1.0.1 - Moved images to git - Added @anyexcept parameter which is @any with exclusions added. Example: "@anyexcept:Exclusion1|Exclusion2|Exclusion3" (Exclusions need to exactly match dir to be excluded) v1.0.0 - Movies get their own folders - Custom artwork (Metal) - Added Music - Added Musicvideos - Added toggle for music/musicvideos - Added TotalSetup-button to download, unzip & enable all players and set up all sources - Added option to parse specific player in pluginpath - When tvshows are added to library, a smartplaylists for that show is created as well - Added music categories. ============================= MetalliQ v1.0.0 forked from Meta v1.1.5 v1.1.5 - maintenance v1.1.4 - Store live searches (can move items or remove them from context menu) - Another fix for trakt authentication v1.1.3 - Fixed trakt authentication from settings v1.1.2 - Fixed settings labels v1.1.1 - Initial trakt support (by midraal) - Live TV support (by midraal) - Bug fixes v1.1.0 - Changed keyboard hiding method (enable in advanced settings) - Adjustable pool size in advanced settings - Fixed keyboard steps bug with RTL languages (only hebrew for now) v1.0.9 - Performance improvements - Added parameter functions (ws and replace, see wiki) - Bugfixes v1.0.8 - Hack to hide keyboard is off by default due to issues on some skins (option available in advanced settings) v1.0.7 - Hack to hide keyboard when keyboard steps are used (may not work on all skins) v1.0.6 - Added support for replacing whitespace with - and with %252B (turns into + sign after python unquote_plus call) - Added fanart behind selection dialog - Possible fix to handle nfs paths - Change: no longer alters strm modification date (option to set it to release date added to settings) v1.0.5 - Fixed clearname parameter v1.0.4 - Avoid duplicates in library (considering only real content, not strms). - Close notifications while selection dialog is open - Bugfixes v1.0.3 - Feaure: support keyboard steps - Improvement: match "name, The" with "The name" - Improvement: better info-labels matching (specify {season}x{episode} to match both) - Change: name parameter for anime now uses absolute episode number - Fix: bypass TMDB genres bug - Fix: avoid display of failed playback message v1.0.2 - Fix: timestamp error on add to library - {season} and {episode} can now match info-labels - RESOLVE now also calls Player.play. v1.0.1 - Fix: crash on empty TVDB data - Fix: hardcoded language in scraper settings v1.0.0 - Initial release