[B]Version 0.0.11[/B] - Resolver trailer when downloading - Fail gracefully when apple returns no trailer - Fix unicode error [B]Version 0.0.10[/B] - Add context item to play most recent trailer - Switch to primary trailer source (makes 1080p work) - Handle QT redirects internally [B]Version 0.0.9[/B] - Update shared depends to 0.0.10 [B]Version 0.0.8[/B] - Move common methds to shared lib [B]Version 0.0.7[/B] - Fail gracefully when trakt API is down. [B]Version 0.0.6[/B] - Fix list name handling [B]Version 0.0.5[/B] - Fix date infolabel - Show downloaded indicator - Prefer local trailers over remote [B]Version 0.0.4[/B] - Better handle missing years [B]Version 0.0.3[/B] - Cache movies list for 8 hours at a time [B]Version 0.0.2[/B] - Improve Movie matching - Don't replace context menus [B]Version 0.0.1[/B] - Initial version