The elementtree.ElementInclude Module

Limited XInclude support for the ElementTree package.

Module Contents

default_loader(href, parse, encoding=None) [#]

Default loader. This loader reads an included resource from disk.

Resource reference.
Parse mode. Either "xml" or "text".
Optional text encoding.
The expanded resource. If the parse mode is "xml", this is an ElementTree instance. If the parse mode is "text", this is a Unicode string. If the loader fails, it can return None or raise an IOError exception.
Raises IOError:
If the loader fails to load the resource.

FatalIncludeError (class) [#]

Fatal include error.

For more information about this class, see The FatalIncludeError Class.

include(elem, loader=None) [#]

Expand XInclude directives.

Root element.
Optional resource loader. If omitted, it defaults to default_loader. If given, it should be a callable that implements the same interface as default_loader.
Raises FatalIncludeError:
If the function fails to include a given resource, or if the tree contains malformed XInclude elements.
Raises IOError:
If the function fails to load a given resource.

The FatalIncludeError Class

FatalIncludeError (class) [#]

Fatal include error.